April Fool's Day Pranks

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April Fool's Day Pranks

Pull a fast one on a friend, family member or even a colleague this April Fool's Day!

The day that all jokesters have been waiting for has finally arrived, the day that playing tricks on people is a no-brainer - Saturday, 1 April 2017, marks April Fools' Day, also known as All Fools' Day. This day is celebrated by playing practical jokes on one another and spreading hoaxes that will leave folk gobsmacked, only to be reminded that you're an April Fool at the end of the day!

Recognised as one of the most lighthearted days of the year, the origins of the day is still very much uncertain, but just because we do not know its history, does not mean we won’t be celebrating the day as we see fit. Although April Fools' Day has been around since the 19th century, do note that we, here in South Africa, do not recognise this day as a public holiday.

The day is set aside for playing harmless pranks on your peers then exposing their tricks by shouting "April Fool" to their victims once they've had a good 'haha'.

Some publications would have fake news stories published and then clarifying it to the public the next day just to join in the fun. But not us, we're here to help you score an April Fool of your own that'll make even Leon Schuster proud! Have a look at our list of pranks that'll make your All Fool's Day a day to remember.

Bring scary-looking plastic insects to work
Many people have a fear of so-called ’creepy crawlies’ and the best way to get a good scare out of them is by planting a fake insect in an area where it can be easily seen to get the best reactions.

Attach an air-horn to their seat
Nothing is as embarrassing as being the cause of noise in a quiet environment. Prank your colleagues by planting an air-horn right under their seat. Then watch as they take a seat that will have them more than red in the face!

Block your colleague's mouse sensor
There's nothing as frustrating as your computer mouse not making a move on your monitor no matter how hard you click - your colleagues will love this even less. Place a piece of paper under the mouse sensor and secure it with a piece of sellotape, then sit back and watch them clicking frantically. The perfect mouse trap, now that's enough to crack anyone up!

Prepare something ‘sweet’ for your friends
How about preparing some special cupcakes for your buddies and replacing the icing with mayonnaise or tomato sauce? Watch how their faces change after the first bite! Cruel, but a sure win to pocket yourself an April fool!

Hairy much…
Make someone believe that their hair is falling out by carrying around a hair extension and pretending that you picked it up behind them. Just give your victim a friendly tap on the shoulder to show them the shocking discovery. Make sure you approach a person with hair that is similar to your extension.

Scare people on the road
How scary would it be to see a car without a driver behind the steering wheel? Well here's something to get everyone in awe! How about dressing yourself up like your car seat (use your imagination) and then watching people's reactions on the road as they witness a car drive itself.

Leave a sting
Eeuw, eeuw and more eeuw! Now this plan will require a face mask. Replace the flower-scented air freshener with a shrimp-scented spray and place it in the bathroom at home for anyone who wishes to spray something to help ‘freshen’ the air!

Scare at the supermarket
You're in the fruit and vegetable aisle of your favourite supermarket and as you're about to grab a fresh cabbage, out slithers the scariest snake you've ever seen, well a fake snake to say the least. Wouldn't it be hilarious to see someone go through that heart-stopping moment?

The ‘jammed’ copy machine
Place a big picture under the copy-machine scanner and sellotape it to the part of the machine that detects paper for copy. Now watch as your colleagues get frustrated at the machine because the copier is not doing its usual job.

Be an unhelpful helper
Offer to go to the shop for one of your colleagues and when you get back to the office, pretend to have bought something else instead of what was requested, something that they would not like at all. Their reactions would make them the biggest April fool ever.

"You're a winner"
An oldie but a goodie... Change your caller display to private or anonymous and call a few of your friends congratulating them on their one million Rand lottery winnings. Get ready for excited and confused responses. Now make it even more hilarious by ordering them to sing the national anthem or the alphabet to secure their reward!

Article written by Jaye-Dee Jansen


Want to know where all fools will be residing? Then make your way to the Fools & Fans Beer Festival happening on April Fools Day in Cape Town!


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