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Cape Town Goes Green
City introduces comprehensive Green Goal programme for World Cup
The city of Cape Town, as one of the main host cities of the 2010 Soccer World Cup, is implementing an official 2010 FIFA World Cup greening programme to make the tournament as environmentally responsible as possible.
The programme, called Green Goal 2010, is supported by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT), FIFA and the Local Organising Committee (LOC) in collaboration with the host cities.
It draws on Germany’s 2006 FIFA World Cup experience, in which the organisers focused on reducing the event’s greenhouse gas emissions by increasing energy efficiency and using renewable energy wherever possible.
Host City Cape Town has developed an action plan to implement the Green Goal programme, with indicators, milestones, budgets, potential partners, timelines and targets for 41 projects in nine target areas.
The action plan focuses on stadium and citywide greening initiatives, carbon reduction and offset, water conservation, sustainable transport, integrated waste management, biodiversity awareness raising, green procurement processes, responsible tourism and environmental awareness and communication.
The action plan was developed following a series of workshops and discussion forums with experts, stakeholders and interested parties from government, the private sector and civil society. The workshop series was sponsored by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, a Host City Green Goal contributor.
There are a number of target areas that form part of the greening programme; these include:
Energy conservation and climate change (aim: minimise the event’s carbon footprint). This will involve determine the carbon footprint of the 2010 event, identifying and implementing carbon offset project(s) in Cape Town, and using energy-efficient technologies in stadiums and training venues, at fan parks, PVAs and other facilities.
Water (aim: minimize the use of potable water and and promote conservation of water resources). This will involve identifying alternative sources of water to irrigate the Green Point Common and installing water-saving devices in the stadium and training venues.
Integrated waste management (aim: reduce, re-use and recycle waste). This will involve operational waste minimisation in the stadium, fan parks, PVAs and training venues, Green Goal branding of recycling bins and waste minimization signage and recycling drop-off centres in the CBD and Atlantic Seaboard.
Transport, mobility and access (aim: promote energy efficient and universally accessible means of transport that also minimise air pollution). This will involve developing bicycle and pedestrian facilities, developing public transport infrastructure.
Landscaping and biodiversity (aim: promote indigenous landscaping and enhance biodiversity). This will involve an indigenous gardening training programme for Urban Park staff, a biodiversity showcase garden at Green Point Urban Park, a student landscape design competition for Mouille Point beachfront and promenade, and a city beautification and tree planting campaign.
‘Green’ building and sustainable lifestyles (aim: promote environmental awareness, sustainable lifestyles and environmentally efficient building practices). This will involve the Green Point Urban Park and ECO Centre, a Cape Town green map, a Green Goal volunteers and training programme and other initiatives.
Responsible tourism (aim: promote responsible tourism for 2010 and beyond). This will involve a code of responsible conduct for visitors, an environmental accreditation system for the accommodation sector and rrsponsible tourism awareness and training.
The Green Goal programme also includes a comprehensive communication plan, covering a wide variety of marketing and communication initiatives.
Read about the other 2010 host cities, and find out more about everything you need to know about the 2010 Soccer World Cup, such as 2010 ticket information and much more.
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