Christmas lights, glühwein, wine tasting & kids zone
In the media in the Media
Media writing about Cape Town & South Africa: has assisted many large & niche media productions for overseas production companies, ranging from international newspapers, TV production companies to TV channels such as Travel Channel and National Geographic as well as media such as Lonely Planet, U Magazine [Hong Kong], [China's largest news site], The Guardian, ARD, Telegraaf, Avant Garde, Glamour and many many more - with quite superb references.
Among our 84 000 newsletter subscribers we count over 900 [inter]national media.
We are often contacted [and persuaded] to assist in TV programmes, recces and publications about Cape Town because of our (foreign) media & concept development background and experience, apart from our extremely up-to-date knowledge of what's happening, and our '0 star to 5 star' approach.
Ask us about our accomplishments with regards to this & contact founder Marcus Zandhuis with your specific requests. We offer competitive rates to accommodate you creating something unique.
contact us for more information.