Drummers from Mother Africa by Thapelo Khomo
This is not a quick listen-and-enjoy album; in other words, don't try to listen to one or two tracks in a rush for a quick fix.
Drummers from Mother Africa is an album that you put on, and leave on, for the complete duration of the CD. To really connect with it you need to make time for it: on a Sunday afternoon, a lazy Tuesday evening, while lying in your hammock or relaxing in your lounge, for example.
We found that a great way to enjoy it is, believe it or not, playing it on your headphones when working; you'd be surprised how much you take in.
Since the beginning of time, drums have emulated the beating of our hearts, calling us to move to its primal rhythms. This album is a feast of African beats from some of the continent's most accomplished percussionists.
African drumming and dance have always gone together, signifying birth, death, celebration and spirit. The music on this album ranges from jovial to contemplative, but always spiritual, and is characterised by eclectic sounds and rhythms.
Thapelo Khomo is the producer of this African Cream Music album - he has won numerous awards and worked with musicians from around the globe and continues to play with popular South African band Stimela, so you can really expect some top-class sounds!
If you're looking for something uniquely African to add to your international music collection, Drummers from Mother Africa is a very worthwhile consideration.
African drumming is known for its mesmerising nature, and this album is a high quality example of the best African drumming styles.
Listen to this African drumming album around a campfire anywhere in South Africa during the summer months and you'll feel connected and grounded - guaranteed. Or you can listen to it back home and still be touched by the soul of Africa...
"I've never done anything like this album before, it's an exciting new musical angle for me. The drums speak for themselves. It grooves because of the great talent we have here. Their creative instincts, engineering, vocals and playing was inspiring," promises Thapelo.