The Streets of Cape Town by Joe Petersen
If it's real, sincere and spirited Cape Town music that you're after, you REALLY can't get much more authentic than this acoustic album from Joe Petersen - one of Cape Town's legendary street musicians - and his jamming buddies, the Ganga Muffins.
You'll look far and wide to find a CD that brings more smiles to your face than this one from our friend who has been playing on the streets of Cape Town's inner city for an eternity. If you haven't yet met Joe and heard his music, add it to your list of "ten things to do in Cape Town before you die"! Some of our team have known Joe for many years, and catch up with him on an almost weekly basis, and he never fails to make us smile.
Entitled The Best of Joe & The Ganga Muffins - The Streets of Cape Town, this is a great, heart-warming acoustic collection of originals and covers that Joe and the Ganga Muffins have performed on the streets of Cape Town from 2006 to 2008, alongside the craft stalls of Greenmarket Square, in front of the picturesque lunch spots on Church Street and at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town.
This CD is not sleek or expensively produced. It doesn't boast polished singles that are going to rocket to the top of international charts; but it sure does have an unbeatable genuineness to it. Listening to Joe's typical hoarse, happy voice and witty way of singing creates smiles, laughs and pure enjoyment. Joe Petersen is a local legend who is an essential part of the soul of Cape Town.
This is music straight from the heart of a man who has lived through the rigours of apartheid and is playing music because he loves the uplifting effect it has on those around him.
"The only thing I know is playing music. You can be depressed, and if you put music on, it changes your whole mindset. You can be sad, and then come home and put on Bob Marley, The Beatles, whatever, it changes everything," says a smiling Joe, who has been playing African drums for over 30 years.
If you've recently visited Cape Town and fell in love with the spirit of the Mother City, and are looking for a great way to keep those memories alive in your mind, then The Streets of Cape Town will do a perfect job of transporting you straight back to the colourful corners of Greenmarket Square or the vibey walkways of the Waterfront.
"I sing quite a lot on our new album. I'm more of an entertainer than a musician. I love entertaining people because it makes them happy. Whenever I play, people leave themselves and their environments and they connect to me. When I'm playing I'm very happy - so that's what makes my music happy," he says.
"All the songs on the album are very happy songs. They make you think about your reality, and they make you think about your life," Joe says. The songs range from reggae to jazz to Kaapse Klopse. Cape Town style! Joe style!
It's Joe's hope that visitors to Cape Town will take a copy of the album home with them and let it serve is a lasting and authentic reminder of their visit to the Mother City.
"This CD is dedicated to my grandson Aden, who brings music to my soul. He's gonna be like me one day - music-crazy! You can see he's already got rhythm, and he's only two-and-a-half years old! The album is also dedicated to the street kids of Cape Town and to all the good people who live in this beautiful city," says Joe.
"Live long, live strong and live life to the full!"
The Ganga Muffins are:
Joe Petersen: Vocals, Djembe Drum, Shaker and Kazoo
David Berman: Acoustic guitar, backup vocals
Tyler Berman: Lead guitar
Dane Jonathan: Keyboards