The Continent of Sulina
Swellendam’s faerie sanctuary
Discover Cape Town style jazz up close with Mac McKenzie and Coffeebeans Routes
Why so few people know about it baffles us. Time for a (re)discovery.
Visit The Bo Kaap Museum in Cape Town on a tour of Bo Kaap; It was established to display all aspects of the beliefs, culture, history and way of life of the people living in the Bo Kaap
The South African National Art Gallery is located in Company Gardens in Cape Town, next to the South Africa National Museum, Planetarium, SA Jewish Museum and the Slave Lodge.
The Bertram House museum in Company Gardens: "Furnished to represent an English family home at the Cape during the early 1800's."
You’ll see rare artefacts, fascinating stories and gorgeous architecture
Iziko Michaelis Collection in the Old Town House on Greenmarket Square offers a world-renowned selection of Netherlandish art from the seventeenth-century Golden Age.
The Stellenbosch Village Museum, comprises of four historic houses and their gardens each representing a different period...
When spending a day in the inner city of Cape Town, a visit to the the Slave Lodge Museum on the lower part of Company Gardens is a must.